We are a team of AWS Certified Cloud Solutions Architects.
Here are some of the things we do.

Infrastructure as Code (IAC) facilitates modeling, provisioning and lifecycle management of IT Infrastructure resources consistently by treating them as code.

On AWS, the primary Infrastructure as Code service is CloudFormation. If you can define an architecure consisting of AWS resources, you can model and provision the resources on AWS using CloudFormation templates. CloudFormation templates can be created using JSON or YAML. The biggest limitation of CloudFormation templates is that the JSON or YAML template files get too complicated and unmanageable as your infrastructure grows.


“Build and run applications without thinking about servers” - that is a mantra that AWS would like you to follow. To support this mantra, AWS is offering you a comprehensive set of compute, storage, data, orchestration, API, analytics, identity, management and other services to help you build a serverless infrastructure to run your company on.

The benefits of going serverless: no server management to worry about, flexible scaling of resources, you only pay for what you use, and automated high availability.


The AWS Cloud provides a wide array of services - compute, storage, databases, continuous integration, data analytics, artificial intelligence - more than 90 services to make your systems more reliable and perform better. What used to take months to go from an idea to implementation, could now be done possibily in minutes!

Organizations have many reasons to move to the cloud - reduction of operational costs, increase workforce productivity, cost avoidance, increase operational resilience and improve business agility.


For lots of organizations, on-premises infrastructure has to seamlessly integrate with resources deployed on the cloud - hence the need for Hybrid Cloud Architecutre.

For these organizations, along with on-premises resources, cloud resources could be deployed for various reasons such as backup and disaster recovery, expansion of on-premises data center capacity or to utlize new technical capabailities available on the cloud.


How can we help you?




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